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Report of Meeting held in March 2011

Craster WI President, Sylvia Biott, welcomed members to their monthly meeting in the Memorial Hall and Coins for Friendship were collected in aid of the charity Associated Women of the World to help women in developing countries. Recent events were reviewed including a village coffee morning, which many members had helped to organise, and which had raised £560 for Air Ambulance. Plans were made for the educational outing to Seaton Deleval Hall and for Teas in the Harbour in June, which was the prize donated by Craster to the Federation Pledge Auction and won by Hedley on the Hill WI. Several members expressed interest in regular, local walks and a group made plans to begin the following week.

Members were shown the booklet detailing the making of the 80th birthday banner, which has been prepared at the request of Jackie Wylie, the federation archivist. Six members are looking forward to attending the Spring Council meeting in Hexham at which the banner will be displayed. The booklet will be used by Jackie, during her talk, as an example of the kind of material needed to record the history of the WI, after which copies will be housed in both the federation and the national archives.
The birthday flowers were presented to Pete Green, Marion Hogg and Heather Lee.
Our President then welcomed a local glass artist, Helen Grierson, whose studio is at Eshott Heugh. Helen gave an inspiring and informative talk, using power point to show the range and scope of her work including restoration and commissions. She explained all the stages of making stained glass panels from discussions with clients, to designing, cutting out glass shapes, soldering the lead, cementing the glass and the final polishing.
She had also brought beautiful smaller items, which she sells from her studio. These illustrated the special effects she gets by melting and annealing pieces of different coloured glass. Helen’s talk sparked a great deal of interest and promoted a good question and answer session. Members asked about the durability of her work and were reminded that stained glass has lasted for hundreds of years in churches. She told us that stained glass has survived wartime explosions better than plate glass because of its flexibility.

After a vote of thanks by Joyce Shaw, Helen judged the competition for a ‘purple object’, before joining us for our pooled supper and more chat. The competition was won by Trish Flegg , with Sybil Dawson second and Fiona Craster in third place. The raffle was won by Vivienne Lowerson.

We look forward to our next meeting on Thursday 7th April, when Lizzie Harratt will give us a ‘Taste of Spring’ flower demonstration.

Meeting Reports

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