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Craster Parish Council


Agendas & Minutes




Thursday 14th April 2016
7:15pm in the Craster Memorial Hall

Chair: Cllr Owen
Parish Council members: Cllr Craster, Cllr Punton, Cllr Pearson, Cllr Brooks, Cllr Gallon, Cllr Smith
Parish Clerk: Ruth Younger

Cllr Owen opened the meeting by announcing the death of Councillor Joyce Shaw.

Clr Owen said: “Joyce was a valued member of the Council, and the whole community, and we will miss her knowledge and insight. Three years ago when we discussed who was planning to retire from the Council she said she would go on until she died, and in that she had her wish. She made her contribution to our debates and before the last meeting she gave me a potted history on the strip of land by Chapel Row. Ironically John and I had been discussing that we should make her a Freewoman of the Parish when she retired in recognition of her long service as both a clerk and a Councillor, now all we can do is join together in a minute silence and remember our colleague Joyce Shaw.”

The Clerk will take the appropriate steps to advertise the vacancy in due course.
2005    Declaration of interests.
None declared.

Cllr Gallon explained the reasons why dispensation could be sought. Letters were submitted for consideration from Cllr Craster, Cllr Punton and Cllr Pearson.

Resolution: dispensation requests unanimously accepted.
Proposed: Cllr Smith
Seconded: Cllr Gallon

It was agreed that the valued contribution of these longstanding members of the Parish Council should be included in all discussions and votes.

2006     Apologies received.
Cllr Cairns and Cllr Baird

2007     Minutes of the previous meetings.
An amendment was made by hand to correct an error, changing ‘Church Street’ to ‘Chapel Row’, regarding the planning pre-application.

Resolution: unanimous vote to accept the minutes as an accurate record.
Proposed: Cllr Craster
Seconded: Cllr Smith

2008     Matters arising from the minutes not covered elsewhere on the agenda
Cllr Punton reported that Dougie Hogg had reconsidered his decision to grant permission for a tree to be planted in the harbor to commemorate the Queen’s 90th Birthday. 

2009     County Councillor's update.
Cllr Cairns sent a brief written report, stating that she is continuing to support the efforts of the Car Parking Task Force and held a meeting with Officers at County Hall to discuss the issue.

2010     Planning Matters
a.    Cllr Owen provided an update on his work regarding planning guidelines. He met with Geoff Paul, the executive officer at Northumberland County Council responsible for planning. Mr Paul agreed that NCC would look at a minor modification to the planning system, so that when the case officer was making a recommendation contrary to the parish council, the draft report would be sent to the PC to check that there were no errors in the report.
b.    The pre-planning application for seven holiday chalets adjacent to Chapel Row was discussion with various issues raised by Councillors. It was agreed that the Parish Council should follow the lead of the Parish Meeting next week, when residents will be consulted.

2011      Parish Meeting
The agenda was agreed. Cllr Gallon will arrange the refreshments, to be served before the meeting.
2012    Dunstan Road Works   
Cllr Owen reported that he had spoken to the Officer at Northumberland County Council responsible for the work and convinced him that there was no longer water coming onto the road and that fixing the drain at the east of the village had solved the problem. Unfortunately, there is still water coming off the field and flowing past two drains after the repair work was completed. Cllr Owen has emailed the Officer and asked him to arrange a meeting on site to see what can be done.

Cllr Brooks reported she had been approached by a resident about the flooding in her garden. Some discussion of this issue followed. It was agreed that Cllr Owen would continue to pursue this matter with Northumberland County Council.

2013    EJBC
Cllr Owen reported that a very constructive and harmonious meeting of the committee was held earlier in the month. He has been elected Chair, but no one could be persuaded to take on the role of vice chair. They have agreed job descriptions for the clerk and officers and a contract of employment for the clerk. The committee also discussed the future of the Cemetery House and its tenancy. It was agreed unanimously that the status quo should continue as long as Jill is the tenant, but a contingency plan will be developed for when she leaves. It is expected that this plan will be finalized by November of this year for approval by the three parishes.

Cllr Owen is attending a conference on cemetery management and one topic of interest is leaving part of the /cemetery ground as wild land and not mow it. Only about 20% of the Cemetery is in “current” use and letting the rest stay fallow would be both a wild life haven and a reduction in costs. He also wants to find out about allocating part of the Cemetery for meadow burials where there are no monuments and no mowing.

Cllr Pearson echoed the positive comments of Cllr Owen and raised concerns that the War Graves Commission are going to remove funding the upkeep of the four war graves in the cemetery.

2014     Craster Community Trust
Cllr Craster reported that the Trust would like to replace their current projector and have made a request for donations to enable this to happen. Following some discussion, it was agreed that the Trust should present a proposal with costs for a screen, projector and sound system. The Parish Council will then consider whether they can fund this, so it can be used by the whole community – for example, film nights for holiday makers. It was agreed that it should be raised at the Parish Meeting, to seek the views of residents.

Cllr Craster also reported that the refurbishment of the play park was going to deplete the reserves of the Trust. He asked whether the Parish Council could take on the cost of the insurance, but it was confirmed this was not possible as the Council do not have an insurable interest in the play park.

Cllr Brooks asked whether a collection box could be placed in the play park to help cover costs. Cllr Punton confirmed this is being investigated.
2015     AONB
Nothing to report

2016    Fixed asset maintenance
Cllr Gallon reported that there was some damage to a bin, which has now been repaired but will need to be replaced. The Clerk has asked Nigel Fairbank to carry out a full assessment of the litter bins so funds can be allocated for their upkeep.

2017     Tourist Amenities / Grant Funding
Nothing to report
2018     Car Parking
a.     Quarry Car Park: Cllr Owen reported that Northumberland County Council have confirmed they’ve received tender prices back for the survey and these have been evaluated. The next step is to award the contract which should happen in the next week or so. A meeting should be held with the successful tenderer and a program for the investigation agreed between both parties for the work to be done.

2019    Residents’ Parking: Cllr Craster and Henry Cummins reported back on the survey they have conducted. His full report is available here. Comments will be collated in time for the Parish Meeting.

Some discussion of this issue followed. Cllr Owen suggested that the cost of the parking permits should not be subsidised because if residents were fully in favour of the scheme they would be prepared to pay. Cllr Pearson asked for clarification on the issue of dropped kerbs. Cllr Gallon queried the limit of two permits per household. Cllr Brooks will continue to liaise with the Cornish village who have implemented a similar scheme. Cllr Smith thanked the task for their detailed work so far. Cllr Craster will report to the Parish Meeting and will continue to investigate all options, as he is awaiting confirmation of NCC support. Cllr Gallon suggested that changing the signage was investigated as an interim measure, to deter visitors from parking in the village. Cllr Punton suggested that an enforced permit scheme was the only solution.
2020     Transparency Fund
Cllr Owen reported that Cllr Sutherland has not submitted a claim for the new financial year.
Action: Cllr Owen will phone Cllr Sutherland to confirm he is happy to continue with this project.
2021    Financial matters.
Current Account Balance: estimated at £1567.55
Clerk wages & expenses: £166.91

Cllr Owen reported that the accounts for 2015/2016 will be audited.
He also highlighted the need to earmark funds as the money from the Water Board can only be spent on capital projects. The defibrillator and the Skiff class as capital projects, but repairing the footpath would be revenue and the refurbishment of the play park would be questionable. Of the current reserves, the Parish Council have spent £2,000 and have £11,000 left. The remaining £7,000 is general reserves from surpluses on precept. This should be reflected in the accounts.

2022     The Queen's 90th Birthday 
Cllr Owen reported that he has found a supplier who can have a pot grown tree early next week for under £50. Cllr Punton’s earlier comments on the permission for planting in the harbour were noted. Cllr Craster is to look at the arrangements on behalf of the Trust.

2023    Northumberland LED Street Lighting Project
It was agreed that no special requests would be made

2024     Signpost for Harbour
Cllr Owen explained that this had been delayed because of hold-ups with the footpath. Cllr Punton will report back at the next meeting with prices.

2025    Correspondence received.
a.    Northumberland CAB
b.    Northumberland CAN newsletter
Both noted
2026     Items for Next Agenda

2027     Information Share
The Clerk shared information about a joint Parish Council / Northumberland County Council meeting in Alnwick.

2028     Date and Time of Next Meeting – Annual Meeting
Thursday 19th May 2016 at 7:15pm in the Craster Memorial Hall

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