Craster Community Website


Craster Parish Council


Agendas & Minutes




Thursday 18th. February 2016
7:15pm in the Craster Memorial Hall

Chair                    Cllr Owen
Parish Council Members    Cllr Gallon, Cllr Craster, Cllr Punton, Cllr Pearson, Cllr Baird, Cllr Shaw
Acting Parish Clerk    Ruth Younger
Members of the public    Cllr Kate Cairns, Henry Cummins, Kevin Brown

The meeting was opened by Cllr Owen introducing Ruth Younger as the Acting Parish Clerk.
Cllr Owen proposed a formal vote of thanks to Cllr Gallon for his work as Acting Parish Clerk.

1959: Declaration of Interests
Cllrs Craster, Pearson, Punton and Shaw declared an interest in Craster Community Trust matters.
Cllr. Gallon reported back on the grounds for dispensation for Councillors involved with Craster Community Trust.
Resolution: It was agreed Cllr Gallon would draft a template letter, which would be circulated to those who needed it. They would then submitted to the Clerk in advance of the next Parish Council meeting, when a vote would be held.
Proposed: Cllr Craster
Seconded: Cllr Punton

1960: Apologies Received
Cllr Brooks, Cllr Sutherland and Cllr Smith

1961: Minutes of Previous Meeting
Cllr Craster asked the minutes be amended to show Cllr Cairns was formally asked to call the Church Street planning application to Committee. The hard copy of the minutes was amended to reflect this.
Resolution: the minutes be accepted as an accurate record.

Proposed: Cllr Shaw
Seconded: Cllr Craster

1962: Matters arising from the minutes not covered elsewhere in the agenda
Cllr Owen asked Cllr Cairns for an update on the notification given to the Parish Council on new planning applications within the parish. Cllr Cairns confirmed it was not possible to receive hard and electronic copies. The Clerk should check the Northumberland County Council Planning Portal.

1963: County Councillor’s update
Free Central Heating: Warm Up North has received a £6.5m government grant to install free central heating to a number of homes without, or with only partial, central heating in the North East.
The full criteria are available at
If you think you, or someone you know, may be eligible for the central heating fund, you can find out more information by emailing or
Budget: NCC have to cut £58 million from their budget over the next four years. This is on top of the £148 million they’ve had to cut since 2011.  As required in the settlement from the Chancellor it also means they will still need to raise council tax for local residents by 16% over the next four years, that’s 4% per year. The budget will be discussed at full council on February 24th.
Health Care Consultation: Health and Care partners across Northumberland are working together to support the joining-up of services by creating a fully integrated ‘primary and acute care system’. From 1st Feb the first phase of engagement activity to seek peoples’ views about how they currently access services and what they would like to see improved. The online survey found here:
Updates on

1964: Planning Matters
a)    15/03707/FUL Change of Use Chapel to 5 bedroom dwelling.
Cllr Owen reported that permission has been granted with conditions, including the surfacing of the road from Dunstanburgh Road for a distance of six meters.
b)    15/04309/FUL Demolition of existing outbuilding and conservatory; erection of single storey bedroom wing with link building; first floor rear extension; installation of 2 no. dormers to front. (as amended 08/01/16) | 2 Church Street Craster Northumberland NE66 3TH
Permission granted with no conditions.
Disappointment was expressed that the objections of the Parish Council to the application 15/04309/FUL had been ignored.
Cllr Cairns reported that a site visit had been carried out and permission was granted unanimously by the Head of Planning and the Heads of the Planning Committees. She explained that the Council was promoting development and that the application was unlikely to be rejected, even if it had been called in to the planning committee. She questioned whether a Local Plan could have helped the case against this application.
Cllr Owen questioned whether Highways and Traffic had been consulted with, because past applications in a similar location had been turned down on the basis of their comments.
Resolution: It was agreed that lessons could be learnt from this process. It was agreed that Cllr Owen would draft a letter to the Head of Planning at Northumberland County Council asking whether they will be drafting new guidelines, if the current ones are deemed to be out of date.
c)    Windlesham, Dunstan – erection of conservatory
Retrospective permission granted.

1965: Parish Meeting
Cllr Owen reported that it was attended by around 30 residents and it had been constructive meeting. Those attending the Parish Meeting voted in favour of the precept remaining at its current level. On the basis of this recommendation, Cllr Owen informed Councillors that executive action was taken to set the precept.
It was agreed that the next Parish Meeting would be held on Tuesday 12th April at 7pm at Craster Memorial Hall.

1966: Dunstan Road Works
Cllr Owen confirmed that notices have now been received by residents informing them that the work is to be done in two parts; firstly, the drainage from the Dunstan telephone box to link into the drains on Smithy Bank and secondly, the resurfacing of the whole road. No action is being taken regarding the Dunstan water leak, which comes from the old spring.
Cllr Owen has been in touch with contacts at NCC and it is hoped that the new surface of the road will direct the water into the existing drains, which do flow freely.
Thanks were expressed that the work is being carried out.

1967: EJBC.
Cllr Owen reported that Neville Fawcett has resigned as Chair and he is now Acting Chair until new officers can be elected at the next meeting. The contract with the caretaker until April 2017 has been agreed and signed.
New Terms of Reference have been agreed by the committee and passed to the three Paris Councils for ratification.
Cllr Craster pointed out the word ‘required’ was missing from point 10(ii).
Resolution: that the new Terms of Reference be ratified.
Proposed: Cllr Gallon
Seconded: Cllr Craster
There was a unanimous vote in favour.

1968: Craster Community Trust.
Cllr Craster reported that the Trust is doing well. They are holding a Pie and Peas event at Craster Memorial Hall on Saturday 28th February.

1969: AONB
Cllr Craster reported that the meeting of AONB has been delayed until 2nd March, so he would report back at the next Parish Council meeting.

1970: Fixed asset maintenance.
Cllr Gallon reported that the January maintenance report from Nigel Fairbank showed a plan was needed to repair and replace the bins around the village.
Cllr Punton is going to work with Cllr Gallon to put together a suitable plan for painting the 16 benches around the village. It was agreed that the Parish Council should maintain the benches that are not looked after by family members.
Tender documents have been put together for the maintenance and grass cutting and will be circulated by the Clerk. An advert will be placed on the Parish Council noticeboards.

1971: Tourist Amenities / Grant Funding
Cllr Owen reported that the task force is still working with the landowners to obtain the footpath. There has been a suggestion that the footpath be called the Dunstan School Trail, as it follows the route taken by the children going to school.

1971: Car Parking
Quarry car park: Cllr Owen reported on an email he had received from Peter Thompson at Northumberland County Council. It stated that an estimate of how much the necessary survey may cost was at an acceptable level. It will now have to go through procurement to engage a contractor/geologist. He first needs to write a specification of our requirements, which he hopes to compete soon.
Residents parking scheme: Cllr Owen reported that it was agreed at the Parish Meeting that a task force should look at a Residents Parking Scheme. Cllr Gallon asked that the Terms of Reference for task force are agreed as soon as possible. Cllr Craster agreed to do this.
Cllr Craster thanked County Councillor Cairns for her help in bringing together staff from Northumberland County Council for a useful meeting on 16th February. They are looking at a permit scheme for the whole village and have come up with some initial proposal but asked for the approval of the Parish Council to proceed with the scoping exercise. A range of concerns and ideas were expressed by Councillors.
Resolution: Parish Council agree that the Task Force should work with NCC to put together a full proposal for the parking scheme.
Proposed: Cllr Shaw
Seconded: Cllr Punton

1973: Parish Council Website
It was agreed Cllr Sutherland will update Councillors at the next meeting.

1974: Recruitment of Parish Clerk
Cllr Craster reported that the Recruitment Task Force received three applications and interviewed two. It was the unanimous decision of the Task Force to recommend Ruth Younger be appointed as the permanent Clerk.
Resolution: the recommendation of the Recruitment Task force be accepted.
Proposed: Cllr Baird
Seconded: Cllr Shaw
The there was a unanimous vote in favour of this appointment.

1975: Financial matters.
The current account balance is £292.25. A cheque is needed to pay an invoice received from Nigel Fairbank, taking the balance to £92.25. The first tranche of precept will be received about 10th. April. 
NOTE: Cllr Smith reported after the meeting that an error had been made the current account balance is actually £2009.27

1976: The Queen's 90th Birthday
 It was decided to change the date of the Parish Council meeting to 14th April to avoid a clash with the celebrations.
Councillors discussed various proposals on planting some trees in the village to commemorate the Queen’s 90th birthday.
Resolution: Cllr Craster to report back with a proposal and costs at the next meeting of a tree planting scheme.
Cllr Punton is going to check that Dougie Hogg can make the beacon available for the event.
Resolution: Councillors to bring ideas to the March Parish Council meeting for events to be held in the village, such as refreshments to mark the lighting of the beacon.
Cllr Gallon reported that the W.I. would be holding a ‘Clean for the Queen’ event on Saturday 5th March.

1977: Gaps in tree planting, entrance to village.
This was discussed as part of the tree planting scheme to mark the Queen’s 90th Birthday.

1978: Correspondence received.
a)    The Children's Foundation – no reponse
b)    Northumberland CVA – no response
c)    Collection for David Francis – Cllr Owen informed Councillors they could make a personal donation if they wanted to.
d)    NECA Transport Manifesto consultation – Cllr Gallon reported back on the questionnaire that was circulated. No reponse needed.
e)    Northumberland LED Street Lighting Project – Cllr Owen asked that Councillors bring ideas to the next meeting

1979: Items for Next Agenda

1980: Information Share
Cllr Gallon reported that the flooding on Tower Bank has been resolved.
Cllr Gallon also reported that the Clerk contacted Northumbrian Water about the structure erected in the bus station near the sewage works. Northumbrian Water were unaware that the shelter was the property of the Parish Council. Cllr Gallon contacted Northumberland County Council and asked them to communicate this more clearly in future.
Cllr Gallon reported that the Clerk contacted Northumberland County Council and requested that chevron road markings be added to the Parish Council’s Local Transport Plan.
Cllr Gallon also shared a letter received from Ann-Marie Trevelyan M.P. about Craster’s Neighbourhood Plan.
Resolution: Cllr Gallon to respond to say a lack of time and resources prevented the Plan from being produced.
Cllr Owen shared a letter received from Pauline Brown about traffic calming measures on Heugh Wynd.
Resolution: to make this an item on the Agenda of the March meeting, for a full discussion of the safety issues.

1981: Date and Time of Next Meeting

Thursday 17th March  @ 7:15pm in the Craster Memorial Hall

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