Craster Community Website


Craster Parish Council


Agendas & Minutes




Thursday 21st. January 2016
7:15pm in the Craster Memorial Hall

Chair     Bryn Owen
Parish Council Members    Pauline Baird, Margaret Brooks, Michael Craster, John Gallon, Elizabeth Pearson, Alan Punton, Joyce Shaw, Martin Smith, William Sutherland
Acting Parish Clerk     John Gallon
Members of the public
In Attendance: Roslynd Ahrendt, Pam Owen, Jackie Reeves, Fiona Robson, Michael Doherty
County Cllr. Kate Cairns.  

The meeting opened with Public Questions.  Although a statement rather than a question, Jackie Reeves explained the circumstances leading up to a Planning Application being submitted for her property in Dunstan.

Cllr. Owen then explained to the meeting that the Acting Parish Clerk, Ruth Younger was unable to attend due to the illness of her son.  Cllr. Gallon would again sit in as temporary Clerk.

1936.    Declaration of interests.
Margaret Brookes declared an interest in Item 1941(c)
Michael Craster, Elizabeth Pearson, Alan Punton and Joyce Shaw declared an interest in Craster Community Trust matters
Action Point:  Clerk is to investigate process for dispensation from rules regarding declarations of interest for councillors also involved with Community Trust.
1937.    Apologies received.
1938.    Minutes of the previous meetings.
a)    October 2014
County Councillor Kate Cairns asked that it be noted that she believed that the statement in the minutes that “the surveyor who had been met by Cllr Owen the previous day had been arranged by Cllr Cairns” did not fully explain the matter correctly.  The Chair ruled that the minutes for the October meeting should reflect what was actually said at the meeting but that County Councillor Cairns’ comments would be recorded in the minutes of this meeting.
Cllr Cairns pointed out that the Newton Parish Councillor, Cllr Cato, was not on the list of attendees while she was present at the meeting. The hard copy of the minutes was amended to reflect this omission.
Resolution : The minutes be accepted as an accurate record.
Proposed:    Cllr. Gallon
Seconded:    Cllr. Punton
b)    November 2015
Resolution : The minutes be accepted as an accurate record.
Proposed:    Cllr. Shaw
Seconded:    Cllr. Craster
1939.    Matters arising from the minutes not covered elsewhere on the agenda.
No items raised.
1940.    County Councillor's update.
a)    The Section 106 payment for the Bark Potts planning application was agreed on the principle that the developer would not need to make any contribution if only 5 dwellings were built, so the payment only becomes applicable on the 6th. dwelling in the development.
b)    The status of the grasscreted area along the churchyard wall has not changed.  The area is still part of the highway.
c)    The contractor previously used by the County Council has withdrawn from the book recycling scheme.  The County Council are in discussion with local charites about book recycling schemes and are advising people to contact local charities directly if they have books they wish to recycle.
d)    The County Council will be working over the next 3 to 5 years to introduce 20mph speed limits outside all schools in the County.
e)    The County Council will be progressing the creation of the Coastal Path section from Amble to Bamburgh between now and 2019.
f)    The Fire and Rescue service are currently conducting a consultation in regard to downsizing the appliance at Seahouses and one of the two appliances at Alnwick.
g)    Street lights are currently being upgraded to LED lights.  While the process is taking place new street lights may be installed at a cost of £900 rather than the normal £2000.
1941.    Planning Matters
a)    15/03707/FUL Change of Use Chapel to 5 bedroom dwelling.
Still pending.
b)    14/04120/OUT Outline application for redevelopment of land and buildings for up to six dwellings, with all matters reserved; The Bark Pots Tea Room 9 West End Craster Alnwick Northumberland NE66 3TS.  Section 106 Agreement.
Item closed following County Councillor Cairns’ update.
c)    15/04309/FUL Demolition of existing outbuilding and conservatory; erection of single storey bedroom wing with link building; first floor rear extension; installation of 2 no. dormers to front. (as amended 08/01/16) | 2 Church Street Craster Northumberland NE66 3TH
Concerns were expressed regarding the inadequate provision for parking and the loss of amenity for neighbouring properties due to the scale of the changes.  County Councillor Cairns reported that she had been contacted by a local resident who had similar concerns.  It was proposed that the Parish Council should object to the application on the two grounds noted above.
Proposed:    Cllr. Smith
Seconded:    Cllr. Shaw

NOTE: It was agreed at the Parish Council meeting on 18th February that these minutes should be changed to show that the Parish Councillors formally requested that Cllr Cairns call this application into the Planning Committee for review.

d)    Notification of Planning Applications
The current County Council policy that Parish Councils could receive notice of planning applications either by hard copy or by e-mail was discussed.  County Councillor Cairns was asked to investigate why we could not receive both hard copy and e-mail notification.
Action Point:  County Councillor Cairns to investigate County Council policy.
1942.    Parish Meeting
1943.    Dunstan Road Works
The drainage work is scheduled to take place in March 2016 followed by resurfacing.  The Parish Council will need to see what plans for traffic management and diversion are proposed by the County Council.
Action Point:  Chair to maintain contacts with County Council re traffic management etc.
1944.    EJBC.
Following an informal meeting of the Chairs of the 3 constituent Parish Councils with Dr. David Francis of NALC, draft TORs would be discussed at the 01/02/16 EJBC meeting.  Subject to agreement, they would be referred to the three Parish Councils for clearance.  Cllr. Pearson was disappointed at the format of the informal meeting and felt that other EJBC members should have been involved.
1945.    Craster Community Trust.
The Trust has agreed to be the umbrella organisation within which the Craster Coastal Rowing Club is constituted.
The playpark is to be resurfaced at a cost of £28000.  Cllr. Punton queried the scope of the resurfacing work and expressed the view that £28000 seemed a very high figure when it would be possible to do the work in a different and cheaper manner.
The kickabout area is to be fenced to the same standard as the playpark.
1946.    AONB
Two new Marine Conservation Zones have been proposed off the North Northumberland coast at Farnes East and Alnmouth/Amble.  Any measures proposed for the Farnes East MCZ could have an impact on those fishing from Craster, Beadnell and Seahouses.
1947.    Fixed asset maintenance.
a)    Contractor Maintenance
The January inspection report was still required from Nigel Fairbank.  The contract is due for re-tender; the new tender will include the painting of the seats which the Parish Council carries out annually.
Action Point:    Clerk to contact Nigel Fairbank
Action Point:    Cllr. Gallon to draft new tender form and advertisement for review and publication.
b)    Tender for grass cutting
This is the tender for the additional grass cutting over and above that carried out by the County Council
Action Point:    Cllr. Gallon to draft new tender form and advertisement for review and publication.
1948.    Tourist Amenities / Grant Funding
Cllrs. Craster, Gallon and Owen had met Ivan Hewitt who is responsible for the LEADER fund grants from the County Council.  He confirmed that the work we would like to do to improve the signage for visitors and create safe walking routes from the Arch to the village would fall within the scope of the LEADER funds.  Cllr. Owen will draft an application once he has all of the required information.  This application will be reviewed by the Parish Council before it is submitted to the County Council.
1949.    Car Parking
The County Council are still going through the procurement process to appoint a geological surveyor to examine the quarry walls.
1950.    Byway Open To All Traffic, Dunstan Hill
As far as can be ascertained, the consultation is designed to regularise the current situation in order that access can be maintained to the same level as currently if anything changes in the future.  The County Council has no plans to metal the track or carry out any other improvement work which could cause an increase in traffic.
1951.    Parish Council Website
Cllrs. Gallon, Owen and Sutherland attended a NALC training session at Wooler on 19th. January.  It was explained there that it was now a legal requirement for Parish Councils to make a lot of their information, agendas, minutes etc. available on a web-site although this need not necessarily be their own web-site.  Funds would be available to purchase the hardware, create the site and train users.  NALC would be creating a generic template which Parish Councils could use and maintaining a site where the Parish Council information could be held.  Further details of this proposal including outline costing proposals would be forwarded in February.  It was agreed that the Parish Council should bid now for a scanner and computer but withhold decision about a web-site until the NALC proposals were received.
Action Point:    Cllr. Sutherland to work up bid for scanner and computer for Clerk to pass to NALC.

In 2016-2017, Parish Councils would still require to have an external auditor.  The National Association of Local Councils had implemented a scheme to carry out this audit, replacing the audit by BDO which had taken place in previous years.  Craster Parish Council would be part of this scheme.  Beyond 2016-2017 Parish Councils with turnover of less than £25000 would not require to be audited.  However, a lot more financial information would have to be provided on the Parish Council web-site including all expenditure of over £100.
1952.    Recruitment of Parish Clerk
There had been 3 applications to date.  Closing date for applications is 29th. January.
1953.    Circulation of Parish Council Paperwork
The way that Parish Council paperwork was circulated was discussed.  The availability of e-mail meant that much of the paperwork could be circulated to most councillors electronically.  However, the Parish Council had to retain a system to ensure that those without internet access still received the required information.  Concern was also expressed that large printouts like plans accompanying planning applications were easier to read in hard copy than on a computer screen.  It was agreed that in future there would be a second, smaller circulation sheet for documents which had been circulated by e-mail and which would only contain the names of those without internet access.  Planning applications would still be circulated to all councillors.
1954.    Financial matters.
The setting of the precept was discussed.  If the Parish Council wished to match the precept to the level of expected expenditure the precept could be reduced to £3000 from the current £5000.  It was agreed that this choice would be put to the Parish Meeting and that the precept would be set in accord with the decision of the Parish Meeting.
Proposed:    Cllr. Craster
Seconded:    Cllr. Smith
a)    Current Account Balance - £1991.05
b)    Spent & Received
Spent - £130.00, Christmas Tree
Received - £65.00, Community Trust contribution for tree
c)    Clerk/HMRC wages & expenses - Nil
d)    Cheques required
Stableyard Landscapes - £340.00, grass cutting May to November
Michael Craster - £358.80, Advertisement in Journal for Clerk
Craster Coastal Rowing Club - £1000.00, donation to Skiff
e)    Appointment of an Internal Auditor
The temporary appointment of Cllr. Smith as internal auditor had been an emergency measure and could not be sustained for this year.  Cllr. Owen reported that he had been advised to ask Fraser Suffield from Embleton if he would be willing to add our internal audit to the work he already carried out for Embleton PC and the EJBC.  Mr. Suffield would be willing to carry out the work without charge.  It was proposed that Mr.  Suffield be appointed as internal auditor.
Proposed:    Cllr. Smith
Seconded:    Cllr. Baird
Action Point:    Cllr. Owen to confirm appointment with Mr. Suffield.
1955.    Correspondence received.
a)    Hospice Care North Northumberland
No further action.
b)    NALC e-mail re audit arrangements
c)    Craster Community Trust re Playpark
1956.    Items for Next Agenda
Trees around turn.
1957.    Information Share
a)    Cllr. Gallon reported that the NALC training meeting at Wooler had also informed him that it was now legal for anyone to record or film a Parish Council meeting openly or in secret and then publish the recording.
b)    Cllr. Brookes noted that some of the gullies on the way into the village looked as if they were blocked by leaves.
c)    The statement made by Jackie Reeves in the public question session regarding the planning application for a conservatory at her property in Dunstan was noted.  The planning application had been received too late to be included in the agenda for this meeting.  It was an application made by the supplier of the conservatory after the supplier had told Mr. & Mrs. Reeves that no application was required.  Although the meeting could not take a decision about the application because it was not an agenda item, the Clerk informed the meeting that he had listened to the discussion and felt empowered to take action within his powers and make an entry to the application that the Parish Council had no objection.  This action would formally be reported back to the Parish Council as soon as possible after it had taken place.
1958.    Date and Time of Next Meeting

Thursday 18th February  @ 7:15pm in the Craster Memorial Hall

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