Craster Community Website


Craster Parish Council


Agendas & Minutes




Thursday 19th November 2015
7:15pm in the Craster Memorial Hall

Chair     Bryn Owen
Parish Council Members    Pauline Baird, Margaret Brooks, Michael Craster, Elizabeth Pearson, Alan Punton, Joyce Shaw, Martin Smith, William Sutherland
Acting Parish Clerk     Marion Gallon
Members of the public
In Attendance:
Sue Chapman, Mark and Sarah Green, Roslynd Ahrendt, Neil and Sheila McKellar.
County Cllr. Kate Cairns.
The meeting opened with public questions.  Sue Chapman asked if the parish council would make a response to the correspondence she had sent.   The chairman Bryn Owen said it would  be covered at the appropriate point in the agenda.

1915.    Declaration of interests.
Pauline Baird         Fixed asset maintenance 
Margaret Brooks     Embleton School
1916.    Apologies received.
Apologies were received from John Gallon
1917.    Minutes of the previous meetings.
The minutes were accepted as a true record of the October meeting.
Proposer Joyce Shaw
Seconder Martin Smith
1918.    Matters arising from the minutes not covered elsewhere on the agenda.
Elizabeth Pearson had sourced a 15ft Christmas tree at a cost of |£130 tree delivered.  This was nearly half the cost that Heighley Gate would charge for the equivalent.  The CCT will donate £75.  Martin Smith said that he would gift the lights. It was agreed that the Parish council will contribute £65. 
Action Elizabeth will order the tree on behalf of the CPC and the CCT will reimburse the Council
1919.    County Councillor's update.
Bryn Owen thanked her for getting the extra work done in the village.
Councillor Cairns had just been at a meeting regarding the local traffic plan and was pleased to report that the resurfacing in Dunstan is number 2 on list.  Councillor Cairns said they will inform her when they are to start the job.  Questions were raised about how Arriva and Travelsure would be informed and how buses would access the village.  This is the responsibility of the County Council not CPC. Hopes were raised that this might address the Dunstan water leak.
No response had yet been given to the enquiry as to how the figure of £30,000 for the section 106 payment had been arrived at.  Research had revealed a low payment was given if the site was severely polluted.  The CPC would obviously be concerned if this was the case.
Action Councillor Cairns would look further into the matter.
Blyth Crematorium will reopen on 7th December.
It was agreed at a meeting on 10th November that Embleton School will stay open.
In regard to Freedom of Information and local accountability, there is DCLG funding available for smaller councils.  NALC has funding for equipment and establishment of website including training and laptops etc.
New planning protocols are available these include the facility for preapplication engagement.  NCC will be running a series of training sessions regarding Section 106 communication with major developers.
New parking enforcement comes into play outside schools from Jan 2016.
1920.    Planning Matters
a)    15/03707/FUL Change of Use Chapel to 5 bedroom dwelling
The full application has been received.  Bryn Owen pointed out that the CPC can only address matters relevant to planning issues.   In terms of planning there is really nothing to object to. There are two issues to be addressed one of these is for change of use to a residential dwelling.   CPC were agreed that it was much better that the building be used rather than left to dilapidate.   Permanent residents will be an asset to the village and a new home is probably the best use of the chapel.    The other issue is that of access.  The current access road is unadopted and in a poor state of repair. It is in the interests of everyone for the road to be put into a good state of repair. From the floor Mark Green stated that he was aware of the need to repair the road and was prepared to contribute.  Short term repairs and long term maintenance are both essential.  There appears to be a will on the part of owners of property who use the road to contribute.  Contractors usually are required to reinstate the road although this has not happened with a previous development on Chapel Row.  Would it be possible for the CPC to make it a requirement for the road to be reinstated? 
There was a comment from the floor that entry and exit is a problem.  Entrance and exit will also be an issue for any further development.  Increased traffic will increase concerns of public safety.
Mark Green informed the members that they intend to restore and keep the memorials on the outside of the chapel
There was discussion about the public footpath that may exist across the land.  This will remain in place if it does exist.
It is hoped that the work will start next autumn.
The proposal was accepted but consultation would take place over the access.
Proposer     Michael Craster
Seconder     Martin Smith
Unanimous vote.
Action Clerk to notify County Council that the Parish Council supports the application for changes of use but has concerns about the state of the access road and the access arrangements onto Dunstanburgh Road.
Action Bryn Owen will further investigate the mechanism for adoption of roads as there is more than one unadopted road in the parish.
Action The attention of Highways will be drawn to the issue of access.
b)    14/04120/OUT Outline application for redevelopment of land and buildings for up to six dwellings, with all matters reserved; The Bark Pots Tea Room 9 West End Craster Alnwick Northumberland NE66 3TS.
Section 106 Agreement. There is no further information as to why the payment so low
c)    Notification of Planning Applications
There is to be a change in way county council notify Parish councils.  The information can be by email or by letter.  Letters would go to the clerk which could cause problems if the clerk is unavailable for any reason the electronic copies can to go to all parish councillors automatically.   The problem with electronic versions of planning application means that the drawings will be very small and could be difficult to interpret.  Councillor Cairns was asked to investigate why we cannot have both.  She seemed to think that we should be able to have both an electronic and a hard copy if we thought it worthwhile e.g. in the case of planning applications as she thought a precedent had been set.
Action Clerk to enquire if we can have both e-mail and hard copy in the case of planning applications.
1921.    Parish Meeting
John Gallon has put the notes on website as promised.   There was a write up in Gazette. 
The next meeting will be on Monday 25th January at 7pm.  Matters arising from the parish meeting will be discussed at the January meeting.   Elizabeth Pearson  expressed some disquiet as she thought that NCC had been undermined at the meeting and stressed how important it was we worked well together.
Action Flyers will be distributed to the community as they were for the last meeting.
1922.    EJBC. 
There had been no meeting so there was nothing fresh to report.
1923.    Craster Community Trust.
There was nothing to report
1924.    AONB
The annual forum last week and neither Michael Craster nor Councillor Cairns could attend.  Michael had attended the board in October and there was nothing new to report.  The management plan has been adopted.  Much work is taking place on Operation Peregrini on Holy Island,
Dark Skies funding is available for designated Dark Skies areas.
Sustainable development fund money is available for villages for small projects.
AONB are commencing a big project looking for volunteers to help with all aspects.  [including dog waste.]
1925.    Fixed asset maintenance.
a)    Contractor Maintenance
Clerk has been in contact with Nigel about unsatisfactory state of new cork backing to notice boards.
1926.    Tourist Amenities / Grant Funding DCLG fund
Held over pending preparation of LEADER grant application.
1927.    Car Parking
Correspondence has been received from A&J Coaches and circulated to members.  They are not happy they cannot park in car park.  The expected extension of the car park by shifting the fence had not yet happened.  It had not been expressed as one of the three main priorities on our traffic management plan for next year as when this was submitted we thought it was happening this year.  Concern was expressed about rock falls.  In order to minimise the risk there will be netting in place and the fence will only be moved on the south side of the quarry.
The issue of a drop off point for coaches was again addressed including the possibility of one on the outskirts of the village.  A drop off point is part of the traffic management plan.
Action Councillor Cairns will check.   Bryn Owen and John Gallon have a meeting with Lynne Ryan on Monday and will raise the issue then.
AJ coaches will be contacted stating we may reconsider once the fence has been moved.
Margaret Brooks enquired as to why the grassed area outside the church had been converted to hard standing when on John Taylor’s advice the CPC had voted against such a proposal.  Councillor Cairns replied that she had the money available and thought that it would benefit the wider community by allowing more people to park.  There was discussion as to whether there should be restrictions on the waiting time.  There was some concern as to whether the work that was being carried out would maximise the potential use of the area.
Action  Councillor Cairns will enquire as to whether NCC has plans to put restrictions on the use and will have a look at the area to ascertain the problem.
Leave the verge as it is for a year to see how things develop.
1928.    Dog Waste 
Dog waste is permitted in the black rubbish bins but visitors may be unaware of this.
Action  Alan Punton will find out if labels are available
1929.    Parish Council Website
Thanks to William Sutherland for preparing the outline paper.
Action  William Sutherland will draw up something more detailed with confidential indicative quotes for next meeting.
1930.    Recruitment of Parish Clerk
Embleton have gone solo and the Burial committee is linked to Embleton clerk. Different models for the role expected of the clerk were discussed as some aspects of the work are complicated and/or time consuming. There is a spinal rate of pay for this post.  Parish councils are at liberty to decide how much to pay.  £10 an hour was thought to be too low to attract a high calibre clerk who would presumably be able to work more efficiently and quickly.
Action  John Gallon, Martin Smith and Bryn Owen will to draw up the job specification and indication of job hours and Michael will advertise when this available. 
Action  Michael Craster will investigate methods of free advertising e.g. It is possible to advertise free through both NALC and NCC.
Since John Gallon is now temporary acting unpaid clerk Martin Smith will act as the responsible financial officer to re–establish a safeguard in order to get proper checks and balances on how the money is spent.
1931.    Financial matters.
a)    Current Account Balance £3973. 07p
b)    Spent & Received
No money has been received; Cheques for £266.14 and for £60 are needed. 
Action  Martin Smith will get the cheque book from John Gallon
c)    Clerk/HMRC wages & expenses
There are no wages
d)    Cheques required
There are no cheques required
It was suggested that in future the PC should set a budget for the following year. The golden rule would be that the precept for the next year would be established in December by looking at the previous year’s expenditure. We have enough reserves to enable us to do this.
This was agreed in principle.  Martin Smith will come back with figures from the last four years for the next meeting.
Proposer         Michael Craster
Seconded        Alan Punton
1932.    Correspondence received.
a)    Northumberland Draft Strategic Plan 
This is a huge document consisting of 391 pages plus addendum. It is still in circulation. 
Action  25th of November is deadline for response.
b)    CAN News
This is in circulation
c)    Craster Coastal Rowing Club 
A letter has been received from them requesting a grant of £1000.  CPC are limited by the local government Act 1972 Section 137 as to the maximum amount that can be donated to charity per year.  This meant that CPC needed clarification as to the exact status of the club.   Bryn Owen has consulted with Michael Docherty.  Apparently the rowing club is not a charity.  They are a club accredited to a charity.  They are on the point of placing an order for the kit for the skiff.  The PC are allowed to donate for recreational purposes.  Since it is public money and Craster Rowing Club is a brand new organisation it was decided to donate £1000 subject to a closer scrutiny by the treasurer and officers of the PC.  The cheque would be officially presented in front of the press.
Proposer      Alan Punton
Seconder     William Sutherland
Unanimous vote in favour.
We can give some money to the playpark next year but not this as it is a registered charity.
d)    NCC re Public Toilets
Elizabeth Pearson has rung and had confirmation that there is no change in status of our public toilets.
1933.    Items for Next Agenda Precept and promises made at parish meeting
The 5 items arising will be discussed at the parish council meeting in January.  Other items to be kept to a minimum otherwise an emergency meeting will be necessary.
1 skiff
2 car parking
3 playpark
4 website
5 village assets
1934.    Information Share
No matters raised.
1935.    Date and Time of Next Meeting

21st. January 2016 @ 7:15pm in the Craster Memorial Hall

Open to Public & Press

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