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Craster Parish Council


Agendas & Minutes




Thursday 15th October 2015
7:15pm in the Craster Memorial Hall
Chair     Bryn Owen
Vice-Chair and Acting Parish Clerk     John Gallon
Parish Council Members    Pauline Baird, Elizabeth Pearson, Joyce Shaw, Martin Smith
Members of the public:
Rosalind Ahrendt, Pam Owen, William Sutherland
County Cllr. Kate Cairns

There were no public questions.

1890.    Declaration of interests.
1891.    Apologies received 
Margaret Brooks, Michael Craster, Alan Punton
1892.    Minutes of the previous meeting
County Cllr. K. Cairns stated that she had tendered her apologies as she was unable to attend the meeting but that this was not recorded in the minutes
Elizabeth Pearson stated that the EJBC report did not accurately reflect her comments and asked that sentence be deleted.
Subject to these changes, the minutes of the meeting of 17th September 2015 were accepted as a true record of the meeting.
Proposer: Joyce Shaw
Seconder: Martin Smith
Action Point: Clerk to edit the minutes and obtain signed copy from Chair.
1893.    Matters arising from the minutes not covered elsewhere on the agenda.
1894.    Co-option of Candidate to be Parish Councillor
William Sutherland was introduced to the Parish Council.  It was resolved that he be co-opted to the Parish Council.
Proposer: Elizabeth Pearson
Seconder: Pauline Baird
1895.    County Councillor’s Update
County Councillor Kate Cairns updated the Parish Council on a number of matters:
Schools were being encouraged to take up the Walk on Wednesday scheme with pupils walking to school rather than using the car.
The County Council Core Strategy was open for final consultation and the Parish Council was urged to respond.
The County Council have received a communication from Yvette Cooper MP urging it to be proactive in dealing with refugees from the Syrian Crisis.
The telephone number for contacting the County Council is now 0345 600 6400 which should allow calls to be charged at the local rate.
Cllr. Cairns followed up the two requests she had had from the Parish Council.  In view of the High Court decision regarding Section 106 charges, she would let the Clerk have the latest version of the County Council Section 106 protocol.  She was not aware that there had been any chages to the requirements for the posting of public notices when Planning Applications were lodged but would assume that the advice given by the Planning Department was as required by law.
1896.    Consultation on Options for Alnwick Schools Partnership
The Clerk has responded to the Consultation exercise using the form supplied by Margaret Brooks.
1897.    Planning Matters
a)    15/01545/FUL.  Change of materials noted.
b)    13/03120/OUT.  Section 106 payment agreed as £30,000.  The Parish Council were disappointed this this sum was well below the normal Northumberland County Council target of 30% of the value of the development.
c)    Access to Pre-Application Information
Action Point:  Clerk to circulate Log-In details for the County Council Planning portal so that Councillors can access information about Planning Applications.
1898.    Administration Issues
The Publication Scheme proposed by the Clerk was accepted.
Action Point:  Clerk to update web-site with information as detailed in the Publication Scheme.
1899.    EJBC
Bryn Owen reported on the meeting of the EJBC held this week.
The Committee was pleased to report that the Clerk to the Committee had received a rate rebate for the last 5 years due to previous overpayments.
Following the partial collapse of a tree earlier this year a tree survey was being conducted.
The survey of headstones was continuing.
The Committee were preparing a Protocol which would lay down the define the requirements to which both the EJBC and Funeral Directors would work.
1900.    Craster Community Trust
Joyce Shaw reported that the main business of the Trust was currently the project to build a skiff.  A major donation had been promised and the sub-committee responsible were pushing on as quickly as possible.
1901.    AONB
No report
1902.    Fixed Asset Maintenance
No report
1903.    Tourist Fingerpost
It was possible that LEADER funding could be obtained not only for the fingerpost and other signage but also for a footpath from the Arch to the foot of the Tower Bank to avoid pedestrians having to walk on the road.  A draft LEADER application will be prepared once the feasibility of the footpath has been established.
1904.    Christmas Tree
Elizabeth Pearson and Martin Smith are to source a Christmas Tree and lights.  The Parish Council would budget £75 for this and it was hoped that the Community Trust would contribute a similar amount.
1905.    Car Parking
Bryn Owen reported that our previous understanding that the County Council had funding to move the fencing back in the Quarry Car Park and that work would be progressed in due course had now been overturned by the County Council.  He will follow this up with Lynne Ryan of NCC to establish why the funding is no longer available despite previous assurances.
William Sutherland wished it to be recorded in the minutes his strong opinion that increasing parking spaces would not impact on public parking in residential areas but could simply increase the pressure of visitor numbers on village amenities.
1906.    Mobile Phone Reception
John Gallon informed the meeting that Anne-Marie Trevelyan MP had noted our correspondence with the mobile phone networks and had offered her assistance if we required it.
1907.    Village Assets
John Gallon raised the matter of designation of village assets.  This had been brought to mind by the campaign by the residents of Lowick to retain the Black Bull as a community asset rather than being sold for housing.  After discussion it was agreed that Bryn Owen should establish what process is required in order to register a village asset.  The issue should then be raised in the community as it was something which was not just a Parish Council matter.
1908.    Parish Meeting
Bryn Owen referred to the latest advice regarding unjustified cash balances held by Parish Councils and warned the Parish Council that we would be in an untenable situation if we retained the windfall Northumbrian Water monies without having them earmarked for specific projects.  This was of relevance because we would be responsible for signing off our own accounts next year and so could all be individually and collectively liable in the event of any challenge.  It would be appropriate for the whole community to be involved in the discussion about the disposition of these funds.  It was agreed that a Parish Meeting should be called for Tuesday 10th. November at 7:00pm.  While the agenda for the meeting was very much in the hands of those present at the meeting the matters of the windfall monies, the future of the Parish Council and the designation of village assets should be discussed.  The defibrillator DVD could also be shown if time allows.
Action Point:   Clerk to draft flier for distribution throughout Craster and Dunstan.
1909.    Financial Matters
a)    Current Account Balance £4299.39
b)    Spent £393.46 for Clerk’s salary, expenses and PAYE.
c)    Cheques required:  G. Newcombe £333.28, HMRC £60.18
1910.    NCC Charges for Builders Waste
The Parish Council were concerned at the potential for increased fly-tipping due to the charges now being levied for builders’ waste.  County Cllr. Cairns reported that the research the County Council had carried out showed that there was likely to be a spike in the level of fly-tipping after the introduction of the charges but that this would revert to historic levels in a short period of time.  This did not alleviate the Parish Council concerns.
Action Point:  Clerk to write to Northumberland County Council expressing the concerns of the Parish Council.
1911.    Correspondence received
a)    NCC Homelessness Survey.  It was agreed that this was a matter where the Parish Council should respond to the Consultation.
Action Point:  Pauline Baird to draft a response to the consultation for review by the Parish Council.
1912.    Items for Next Agenda
It was requested that a Parish Council website, a report back from the Parish Meeting and the recruitment of a Parish Clerk should be included in the next agenda.
1913.    Information share
John Gallon told the Parish Council  that he would not be able to attend the November meeting but that Marion Gallon had agreed to be Minutes Clerk for the meeting.
1914.    Date and Time of Next Meeting
19th November 2015 @ 7:15pm in the Craster Memorial Hall
Open to Public & Press

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