Paper for Craster Parish Council – 19 Jan 17


Traffic Management – Bogue Road

1.      It has been clear for some considerable time that the parking along the Bogue road (the bottom road between Craster and Dunstan) by visitors at busy times has become not simply a nuisance, but also a danger and, increasingly, a threat to the environment.  The subject is one that has been raised not only in the Parish Council, but also at Parish Meetings, but the resulting applications to the County Council for action have so far produced no result.


2.     The requirement is for some form of physical barrier that will prevent cars from parking on the verge.  Double yellow lines will only be as effective as the monitoring, and wardens are in short supply.  In any case the AONB is opposed to them.


3.     Not only is the current situation a hazard to motorists and pedestrians alike but, as the farmer who owns the land concerned has stressed, the continuing parking is pushing the verge and the hedge into the burn.


4.     Over the last Christmas period someone unknown took unilateral action and placed a number of large stones at the most obviously dangerous site, at the bottom of Tower Bank where cars parked along the verge block the sightline of cars coming down the bank and turning right.  These were successful in keeping the verge clear over a very busy period.


5.     However someone equally unknown then threw the stones into the hedge (and one into the burn), presumably with the (successful) aim of reopening the verge for parking, which has resumed.


6.     Regardless of the ongoing discussion about traffic management in Craster, could application please be made in the strongest terms to the County Council for action to be taken, before the holiday season kicks off in March, to permit the prevention of parking on the Bogue road.  If large boulders are felt to be unacceptable could white posts not be used – they don’t have to be very high, but they must be securely planted.  If the Council cannot afford, or is unwilling to undertake the work, can they please give the Parish Council authority to do it.  This is a problem that has gone on for too long, is a hazard to all, and is potentially simple to resolve.


Michael Craster

Parish Councillor                                                                            11 January 2017