Craster Parish Council – Parking Task Force

Report for Parish Council meeting 19 May 2016

1.    Cllrs Brooks, Craster and co-opted TF member Henry Cummins held a meeting hosted by Cllr Cairns at HQ NCC on 11 May 2016.  Present from NCC in addition to Cllr Cairns were Iain Robson (AONB), Neil Snowdon (NS) (Parking) and Alison Dodd (Parking).  The aim of the meeting was to make clear the TF priorities, to determine what progress, if any, had been made, and to establish how the whole matter of parking in Craster was being taken forward.

2.    It was established that the question of speed limits had effectively been agreed, as there had been a change in the regulations, and a limit of 30 mph from the bottom of Tower Bank, and one of 20 mph in the village would be established.  This was already in the LTP, and funding would be found.  NS would try to determine a date and advise Cllr Cairns.

3.    It was accepted that a survey was in the process of being undertaken of the work required to extend the Quarry car park, the results of which, and the estimate of the costs required to carry out the work, would be available at the end of June – beginning of July, at which point the project would be submitted to the financiers for approval.  Exactly what would be recommended and when a decision to carry out the work would be taken was not yet clear.  The TF reps accepted that this was positive progress, and urged that the matter should continue to be pursued.

4.    The TF reps made clear that their priorities were the Bogue Road and the Turn Field.  Parking on the Bogue Road needed to be made impossible for reasons of access, safety and the environment.  Double yellow lines were discussed, but were considered useless unless enforced, and the level of enforcement could not be guaranteed.  Some form of physical impediment was required – perhaps large stones or wooden posts (felt to be unattractive).  The Turn Field was an essential element in any solution to take care of the inevitable displacement factor.  Alison Dodd undertook to research the running the Turn Field as a public car park under PC control, but stressed some of the complications that could arise.  Seahouses and Amble Harbours were cited as examples that could be consulted.

5.    The TF reps stressed that in view of the public reaction to the survey it was considered that the establishment of a parking permit scheme throughout the village was a final option, when all other ideas had been tried.  IR, supported by NS proposed traffic management measures that would restrict access to the village by making it appear that there was no ready public access.  This had been tried elsewhere successfully (viz Low Newton), but again there had to be somewhere for the displaced traffic to go.  NS agreed that this should be put into the Long Term Costings, suggesting that this solution might not be a quick fix…  There was reluctance to accept more heavyweight solutions such as a roundabout at the TIC.

6.    Involvement of NT and English Heritage was invoked.  IR has been dealing with EH over the use of bus transport.  NT have a new Area Manager (Gwendolin) who should be brought into these discussions as soon as possible….

7.    It was understood that Cllr Cairns would be producing a report for the Parish Council on 19 May indicating the further action being taken by the officers as a result of the meeting.

8.    The Task Force will continue to monitor the progress of work on the Quarry car park, and to push for progress on the question of the Bogue Road and the Turn Field.  It will seek to open a dialogue with the National Trust, and to research further the design and implementation of the proposed traffic management measures.

9.    The Parish Council is asked to receive this report and to approve the actions proposed.

Cllr Michael Craster
Chairman Craster Parish Council Parking Task Force                  12 May 2016