Craster Community Website


Craster Parish Council


Agendas & Minutes




Thursday 19th January 2017 - 7:15pm in the Craster Memorial Hall

Before the start of the meeting it was reported by the Chair that the Clerk was not able to attend. Cllr Smith agreed to take the minutes for the meeting.

Chair:  Cllr Bryn Owen
Parish Council members: Cllr John Gallon, Cllr Elizabeth Pearson, Cllr Alan Punton, Cllr Margaret Brooks
Acting Clerk: Cllr Martin Smith

C. Cllr Kate Cairns attended for part of the meeting.

Questions from the public - all issues raised are covered elsewhere in the minutes

2154 Declaration of Interests

2155 Apologies
Cllr Michael Craster, Cllr William Sutherland, Cllr Pauline Baird and Clerk Ruth Younger

2156 Minutes of the previous meeting
The minutes were unanimously accepted as an accurate record of the meeting.
Proposed: Cllr Gallon
Seconded: Cllr Brooks

2157 Matters arising from the minutes not covered elsewhere on the agenda
a. Local Transport Plan was discussed. The Clerk has asked NCC for details on the issues. However, as the Officer dealing with the issue is on sick leave, we do not currently have an answer.  Our understanding of the LTP list for the parish is:-
For 2015:-
1. Traffic calming
2. Footpath down Tower Bank to protect pedestrians from road traffic
3. Additional speed limit on Smithy Bank between Craster and Dunstan.  Cllr. Cairns confirmed that she would address the matter with the Highways Department in view of their variation from documented best practice.
For 2016:-
1. Footpath on bottom road
2. Heugh Road flagging/tarmac
3. Heugh Wynd traffic-calming measures
Action:  Clerk to seek confirmation from NCC of the status of these requests.
We have also asked for explanation of the process for the past existing and future submissions to the LTP.  In August 2014 our listed requests were put to the NCC committee and we understood from the report published in January 2015 that they were to be included in their work for the 2016/17 budgetary year. However, we have since been told that it is "just a plan if money if there is money to do it". So, we are uncertain of the process for confirming our proposal are to be implemented in the future.
Action:  Clerk to seek clarification of the process from NCC.

b. Public Spaces Protection Order : Following a report prepared by Cllr Sutherland and comments by other Councillors it was decided, as this issue had been discussed at the meeting in September, no further action was appropriate.

2158    Parish Council vacancy
No parties have come forward to indicate an interest

2159    County Councillor's update
A written report was submitted just prior to the meeting by Cllr Cairns and the relevant points in it were addressed as part of the business of the meeting.

2160  Planning Matters
16/04208/FUL – Howick Community Hall
John Haughie representing Howick Parish Council and Howick Community Trust offered some detail on the planning application for Copley Hall.  They are looking to extend the existing property by knocking down the porch entrance and replace with a larger section providing additional area to enhance the facilities at the hall.  We are told that there is support from the local community as it is part of a project to upgrade the hall with better kitchen and lighting.   It was agreed unanimously to support the application.
Proposed: Cllr Punton
Seconded: Cllr Pearson
Action:  Clerk to confirm our support for application on NCC web-site.

2161    Parish Meeting feedback
Thanks are to go to the Ambulance Service and Stephen Carey Trust for their  defibrillator presentations. We also need to thank Marion Gallon and Pam Owen for providing teas.
Action: Clerk to send e-mails/letters accordingly.
2162  2017/2018 Parish Precept
The precept was discussed including Cllr Sutherland's email with suggested activities/projects the council could undertake. Many of the points are already in the mix e.g. Leader grant for signage / Transparency Finding for broadband.  The Parish Council also covered the discussions had at the Parish Meeting - we cannot raise more than we spend as we already have very large reserves and it is whether we look to have a neutral (£3000) or reductive (£2500) precept to enable the Council to abide be the guidance that we hold no more than 1 year's precept in revenue reserves.  Concerns were raised relating to reduction of residents due to holiday home in that for every 3-4 houses that convert we lose  about 2% of our precept.

We are also to be recharged by NCC in the event of a Parish Council election being necessary in May. However, we will be invoiced at the end of this year to then be paid in the 2018/9 financial year i.e. can be included within next year's precept.

It was unanimously agreed to follow the majority of the residents who supported the reduction of the precept from the current £5000 to £3000.
Proposed: Cllr Gallon
Seconded: Cllr Pearson
Action:  Clerk to inform NCC.

2163  Parish Council Elections 2017
Despite discussions during recent Parish Council meetings, changes to the Council i.e. numbers of Councillors on roll cannot be effected prior to the elections in May.  Therefore any changes which may be wanted will only take effect for the 2021 elections at the earliest.  The Clerk has been on a training course regarding the conduct of Parish Council elections. Details of what was covered will be discussed in the February Parish Council meeting.  However, it should be noted that all those who wish to stand for election must arrange for an appointment and hand their nomination papers in to the returning officer in person or by using a representative i.e. not by post, by 4pm on 4th April 2017.

2164  Feedback on Christmas Carols at the Harbour and Memorial Hall
Cllrs Brooks and Pearson said that there has been plenty of positive feedback. The Parish Council should thank Hillary Punton and Pauline Brown for their suggestion to put memories" onto the tree.
The Parish Council should try to ensure that next year we coordinate with other events in the area i.e. Onion Club meeting at Cottage Inn & Skiff meeting
The Parish Council should also thank Dougie Hogg and family and Richard Pearson for their support (help putting tree up and supplying power for lights)
Action:  Clerk to pass on thanks to those named above.
Action:  Clerk to include Xmas Tree and Carols in agenda for October 2017 Parish Council meeting.

2165  Minute archive
Cllr Punton to check with Jackie Reeves from the CCT to ensure the archive documents are safe and report back.

2166  EJBC
a. Meeting on the morning of 19th. January. Tenders were received from 2 parties (no tender was received from the current party).  The best tender received and accepted was from Martin Smith based near Amble who will be appointed subject to ratification in the 6th. February EJBC meeting.  The other tender from NCC was not competitive
b. Regarding the caretaker, Jill Irvine, and the Cemetery House, as she is tenant, she is not affected by the above. However, the EJBC would like the Parish Councils to agree a new              contingency policy in principle. If Jill decides to terminate her tenancy agreement and leave the property, EJBC are to be enabled to sell it in its' current state - the decision and pricing to be made following receipt of a valuation from the County Valuer.  Note, the Cemetery House does not have its' own parking, garden or sewage which are reliant on the neighbouring farmer who provides parking at £1 per annum, the garden at £1 per annum and use of a septic tank on a grace and favour basis.  It is also undecided how any proceeds will be split at this time.
Proposed: Cllr Smith
Seconded: Cllr Gallon
It was carried with 4 in favour and 2 abstentions.
c. An issue has been raised which is currently under investigation by the EJBC clerk which will be reported back to the Parish Council’s next meeting.

2167  Craster Community Trust
The CCT has proposed the refurbishment of the playpark and media equipment in the Hall.    They will replace the park's safety surface, purchase a lawnmower and a shed to store the mower and tools.  The safety surface will be replaced with grass re-enforced by plastic webbing.  The equipment for the Hall will include a Sapphire electrically operated projection screen.  Resident reaction has been positive to this project.  The Council will purchase the above on behalf of the Trust and be gifted to them in accordance with Section 19 of the Local Government Act (1972) which allows for gifts for recreational purposes.  The total cost is £9622 including VAT which the Parish Council can reclaim (£1622) based on initial costings done by the Trust. However, the Trust are to come back to the Council once they     have obtained tenders from in accordance with the requirements defined in the Standing Orders which ensure a rigorous procurement process. The Council will then debate the best deal and purchase the goods.
Proposed: Cllr Owen
Seconded: Cllr Gallon
It was agreed with 5 in favour and 1 abstention

2168  AONB
No report, however, there are 3 roadshows on the Coastal Path advertised on 15th 16th and 17th February

2169  Fixed asset maintenance
a. Update on benches
Everyone is happy with the final results to the benches
b. Dog bins / litter bins
Cllrs Owen and Smith have inspected all the bins. It has been decided that we probably need 6 new ones. An internet site that supplies other local government organisations was found and seems reasonable and can provide the most appropriate bins.  It has been unanimously decided to replace the Rumbling Kern bin first as NCC has agreed to fit it for £50 all in and it is the one most in need. We can then assess whether these bins are suitable               and order from there.
Proposed: Cllr Owen
Seconded: Cllr Punton
c. Tenders for 2017 Asset Maintenance
It has been agreed unanimously not to tender for the asset inspections but for Councillors    to do these going forward. If any work is required, it will be on a piecemeal basis.  Comment was made that Martin Smith who tendered for the EJBC contract offered to do handyman work but we should obtain quotes as the need rises.
Proposed: Cllr Gallon
Seconded: Cllr Owen
Action:  Clerk to write to Nigel Fairbank advising him that the inspections are no longer needed.
Action:  Clerk to advertise tenders for grass cutting.

2170  Tourist Amenities and Grant Funding
Leader grant - nothing heard
Action:  Clerk to report progress.

2171  Car Parking
a. Quarry Car Park – work to start 27/2/2017 to resurface and revise layout and this is expected to take four days. During this work there will be a need for alternative places for parking. Cllr Cairns was asked for NCC to request if Michael Robson would allow for the Bark Potts to be used as the carpark whilst work is undertaken. Also, whether the first 2 layers of the carpark be done separately from the main area to allow some parking.
b. Residents’ parking
Nothing to report

2172  Transparency Fund
a. Parish Council Website
It was unanimously agreed the Parish Council should meet its legal requirements by proceeding with the creation by a website under the NALC scheme.  We will be provided with appropriate running instructions/user guide and an administrator password. The NALC websites for this will be set up as with crasterparishcoucil to identify it to this parish.
Proposed: Cllr Punton
Seconded: Cllr Smith
Action:  Clerk to liaise with Cllr Owen/Gallon and respond accordingly to NALC.
b. Purchase of Scanner using Transparency Grant
Despite trying, we have been unable to proceed with this purchase as it is currently out of stock.  Also, retailers do not usually accept cheques and online can only be paid for electronically.  As the Council currently only uses cheques, this will be looked at once item 2173 e. has been considered, as it will give us more options to obtain what we need on the best terms.
c. Internet Connection in the Memorial Hall
Cllr Gallon has currently been unable to obtain broadband prices pending the activation of the new cabinet at the entrance to the village.  This will be reviewed at the next meeting.

2173  Financial matters.
a. Current Account Balance as at 12/12/16 £10,872.55
b. Spent & Received  03/11/16 received £89.99 from NALC Transparency Fund
c. Clerk/HMRC wages & expenses to be carried forward to February meeting
d. Cheques required  None
e. Electronic Payments       
Cllr Gallon has created a form to provide a robust system of check to allow electronic payments to be made from the Parish’s bank account by the Clerk. Councillors have received a copy of the form and the protocol will presented at the next meeting for consideration.

2174  Correspondence received
a. Bailiffgate Museum – request for donation. The Council is unable to commit any further monies to charity during this financial year
b. Northumberland AONB – Drop in sessions about England Coastal Path
c. NCC - Consultation to Changes to Planning Protocols (see Cllr Cairns email)
d. EJBC – letters on maintenance of cemetery and precept for 2016/2017
e. NCC – 2017 elections re-charge
2175  Items for Next Agenda
No additional items were requested.

2176  Information Share
a.  Cllr Owen put forward a number of concerns that face the parish:-
-    There are now only circa 240 residents in our parish on the electoral role.
-    The number of public bins therefore represents 1 for every 5 households.
-    CCT funds facilities for tourists to use e.g. playpark by running coffee mornings
-    The cost of putting bollards up is circa £20,000.
Most issues that are faced by the Council relate back to tourist provisions. As such, it is unfair that this burden is borne solely by the residents with no financial support from either NCC or businesses e.g. National Trust or English Heritage provide no facilities.  Cllr Owen has therefore suggested that we seek a levy to be imposed by NCC on parking at Craster.            It is recommended that the money raised by the levy would be apportioned with 10% going to NCC for their administration costs, 20% to go to the ward councilor for neighbouring councils and 70% to the Parish Council. The money for the parish Council should be ringfenced to fund tourist facilities in this parish, decided by the parish council. If an extra £1 was applied, this would equate to circa £30,000 per annum.  Cllr Pearson pointed out that we needed to consider this along with Cllr Sutherland’s email.  If this is to proceed, the community can set up a petition in accordance with NCC’s protocol on petitions from May 2015, which would require 50 signatures to ask the NCC to apply the levy.  This will need to be included on next month’s agenda. It was agreed that we would start a petition to test out public opinions and Cllr Punton undertook to collect signatures in Craster so that the next meeting would have evidence of the depth of feeling.

b.  New Planning Applications have been received since the Agenda was published and require a response before our next meeting:

17/00011/PREAPP Construction of 2 detached residential dwellings: Allotment Gardens, Craster. 
The outcome of the discussion of the points raised was that:-
1. Access is poor.
2. It should not impinge on off-road parking of other residents.
3.Cllr Owen suggested that Section 106 money be used to improve road access.
4. We don’t want piecemeal development of this area.
5. This should be used as a primary residence only in perpetuity.

17/00007/PREAPP Construction of a new dwelling in the garden of 16A Whin Hill, Craster
The outcome of the discussion of the points raised was that:-
1. There are concessionary rights of vehicular access across adjoining land owned by Vincent Hope.
2. Rights of way are to be maintained
3. It will affect existing parking so existing parking must be made to garage parking instead
4. Section 106 money be used to improve the road.
5. This should be used as a primary residence only in perpetuity

The Parish Council cannot take a formal decision on these matters as they were raised after the publication of the agenda but the Clerk is empowered to make a response having taken advice from the Chair, Vice-Chair or two other Parish Councillors as long as this is reported back to the Parish Council at the first reasonable opportunity.

2177  Date and Time of Next Meeting
16th February 2017 at 7:15pm at the Memorial Hall

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