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Craster Parish Council


Agendas & Minutes




Thursday 21st July 2016 - 7:15pm in the Craster Memorial Hall

Chair: Cllr Owen
Parish Council members: Cllr Pearson, Cllr Craster, Cllr Sutherland
Clerk: Ruth Younger

The meeting opened with questions from the public. A local resident, Mrs Docherty, raised the issues of installing speed humps on Heugh Wynd, which they do not believe were necessary. She suggested that visitors already drive slowly and local residents will continue to speed, even after the humps are installed. She believes that traffic calming measures at the entrance to the village will reduce traffic even further and resources could be better spent elsewhere.

Cllr Owen thanked the resident for her views and confirmed they would be considered when item 2092 (Local Transport Plan Priorities) were discussed.

2081.     Declaration of interest
None declared

2082.     Neighbourhood Planning Parish Meeting
Cllr Owen reported that the meeting was a success with around 35 local residents attending. He thanked the speakers at the event; David English from Northumberland County Council and Cllr Jenifer Hall from Beadnell Parish Council.

Cllr Owen noted that no residents had attended the meeting this evening and he questioned whether there was any interest in establishing a Neighbourhood Plan. After some discussion, it was agreed to delay this item until the September meeting.

2083.    Apologies received
Cllr Smith, Cllr Gallon, Cllr Brooks, Cllr Punton.
Cllr Baird was not present at the meeting

2084.     Minutes of the previous meetings
Resolution: unanimous vote to accept the minutes as an accurate record.
Proposed: Cllr Pearson
Seconded: Cllr Craster

2085.    Matters arising from the minutes not covered elsewhere on the agenda

2086.    Parish Council vacancy
Cllr Owen reported that no one had come forward to fill the vacancy

2098.    Fixed Asset Maintenance
Nigel Fairbank attended the meeting to discuss the maintenance of the seating benches around the village. It was unanimously agreed to take this item earlier in the meeting so Nigel could leave in good time.

Nigel noted that the tender should have made clear that the benches need to be prepared and painted. Nigel does not feel qualified to do the preparatory work, so he has subcontracted the work to Daniel MacDonald.
The cost of only painting the benches would have been £360. The cost to prepare and paint is £550 (plus the cost of the paint).

Cllr Owen noted that he had inspected some of the benches with Nigel and they were in a very poor state of repair. Cllr Pearson added that the benches are an asset to the village and used by locals and tourists. However, she was keen to ensure only those in the care of the Parish Council, not local families, were painted.

Resolution: the necessary work to preserve the benches should be carried out.
Proposed: Cllr Craster
Seconded: Cllr Sutherland

2087.    County Councillor's update.
Cllr Cairns circulated a report in advance of the meeting to all Councillors. The contents were noted.

2088.    Planning Matters
Nothing to report

2089.    Location filming of ‘Vera’ – update
Cllr Sutherland proposed a vote of thanks to Cllr Gallon for his efforts on this issue. It was unanimously supported.

2090.    Proposed repairs to Craster Public Footpaths 17 and 24
The reply from NCC was noted by Councillors. However, the Clerk is to write and confirm the right of way is not being lost where the path reconnects to South Acres / Heugh Road.

Councillors raised the issue of a dangerous channel that has opened up next to the bus stop opposite the Shoreline Café. The Clerk is to ask NCC to repair this.

Councillors also raised the issue of the footpath towards the Cinder Track near the Dunstan bus shelter. It is privately owned and not being maintained. The Clerk will write to the holiday home owners and ask if they can address this issue.

NCC’s commitment to repair the signage at Habour Lights was also noted.
2091.     Minute archive
Resolution: It was unanimously agreed that the minute archive should be taken by Cllr Owen to Woodhorn.
Proposed: Cllr Craster
Seconded: Cllr Sutherland

2092.     Local Transport Plan Priorities
Cllr Owen reported that deciding the plans for next year was made more complicated because last year’s priorities have not yet been actioned. However, it was agreed that it should be assumed this work will be carried out by NCC as agreed.

After some discussion, and noting the comments at the Parish Meeting and the public at the beginning of the meeting, it was decided the speed bumps on Heugh Wynd should be included as there were more in the village in favour than against. However, they would be the lowest priority on the list.

Resolution: The proposals for next year are
1.    Footpath along the Bogue Road and up Smithy Bank
2.    Relaying paving slabs on Heugh Road and Heugh Wynd
3.    Speed humps on Heugh Wynd

Proposed: Cllr Craster
Seconded: Cllr Sutherland

2093.     NCC: North Area Review of Supported Bus Services 2016

2094.    Dunstan Road Works
Cllr Owen reported there is no water coming off the field, showing the repair work may have solved the problem, but it will need to be monitored over the next few months to see the situation when there is heavy rain.

2095.     EJBC
Cllr Owen reported an event is being held on 25th July about the maintenance changes that are being considered for the Spitalfield Cemetary. The changes under consideration are to allow some of the grassland to revert to meadow land. This will be in the area of the cemetery not in current use. The presentation s to allow all interested persons to find ot what is being proposed so an informed decision can be made at the October Committee meeting.

2096.     Craster Community Trust
Nothing to report. Cllr Craster noted that Cllr Punton had done an excellent job painting the gates at the play park red, to improve visibility.

2097.     AONB
Cllr Craster reported that a walk was held to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the Coastal Path.

2098.     Fixed asset maintenance
See earlier note in the minutes.

It was also agreed that the Clerk will ask Nigel to add some drainage holes to the grit bins to prevent them from becoming water logged. NCC has given the Parish Council permission to carry out this work.

2099.    Tourist Amenities / Grant Funding
The Clerk read the written report received from Cllr Brooks.

Cllr Owen confirmed that prices were being sought for a noticeboard and map (with adverts from local businesses) for the main car park. Smaller ones would be installed at the entrances to the village on the Coastal Path. Finger posts would be installed at the Harbour and the exit from the car park. Councillors agreed that this was what was needed. Quotes will be discussed at the next meeting. Cllr Craster will check this plan with the AONB.

2100.    Car Parking
Quarry Car Park: Cllr Owen reported that he had seen a copy of the Geologist’s report, which does not address whether the access to the quarry is safe. It was agreed that the Clerk will query this with NCC (Cllr Owen will assist drafting the letter).

Residents’ parking: Cllr Craster will have a full report for the September meeting. Some discussion followed about the use of the Turn Field, including the installation of a hard surface from the entrance, the purchase of a ticket machine and increasing the size of the gate. Cllr Craster will continue his investigations and liaise with the Grey family as it was felt the Council should not take any action unless there was a firm agreement that they could lease and develop the land as necessary.

2101.     Transparency Fund
The Clerk confirmed that the application from Craster PC had been received by NALC.
2102.     Financial matters
a.    End of year Financial Return and Audit
A vote of thanks was unanimously agreed for Fraser Suffield, who served as the internal auditor.
b.    Current Account Balance: £10,852.49 (28th June 2016)
c.    Spent & Received: Nil
d.    Clerk/HMRC wages & expenses: £293.47
e.    Cheques required
i.    Memorial Hall: £200.00   

2103.     Correspondence received
All noted.

2104.    Items for Next Agenda

2105.     Information Share
Nothing to report

2106.     Date and Time of Next Meeting
Thursday 15th September at 7:15pm in Craster Memorial Hall

Open to Press and Public

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