Craster Community Website


Craster Parish Council


Agendas & Minutes




Thursday 19th May 2016 - 7:15pm in the Craster Memorial Hall

2028.    Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman
Chair - Cllr Owen
Proposed: Cllr Gallon
Seconded: Cllr Craster

Vice Chair – Cllr Gallon
Proposed: Cllr Owen
Seconded: Cllr Smith

Chair: Cllr Owen
Parish Council members: Cllr Craster, Cllr Pearson, Cllr Brooks, Cllr Gallon, Cllr Smith, Cllr Sutherland
Clerk: Ruth Younger

2029.    Declaration of interests
None declared

2030.    Apologies received.
Cllr Punton and Cllr Baird

2031.    Minutes of the previous meeting
Resolution: unanimous vote to accept the minutes as an accurate record
Proposed: Cllr Smith
Seconded: Cllr Craster

2032.    Matters arising from the minutes not covered elsewhere on the agenda.

2033.    County Councillor's update. (this report was given at the end of the meeting)
Cllr Cairns provided an update on her work in the Parish over the last 12 months. Her report is summarised below:

Grasscrete installation – I allocated £22,000 of my members fund to provide a sustainable solution of new grasscrete in three locations around the church and on Heugh Wynd.
Visitor Parking Problems – I have continued to work with the Parish Council and officers at County Hall on the problem of visitor parking in the village.
Drainage and surface works – Flooding has been an ongoing problem, and NCC Highways team has contributed significant time and resources in clearing drains, ditches and culverts and carrying out repairs to structures at the bottom of Tower Bank and in Dunstan.
Planning - Planning applications often bring concern to residents of Craster. I am always happy to speak up on behalf of local residents to ensure their views are heard by the decision makers so we can ensure that any development is as sustainable as possible.
Pavements – I have been working with Officers at NCC to see if despite tight constraints of the 2016/17 budget, speedy work can be carried out on Heugh Road to repair the pavements which are cracked and uneven and pose a particular problem to the elderly and less abled.
2034.    Nomination of Councillors to represent the Parish Council on the Embleton Joint Burial Committee, the Craster Community Trust and the Arnold Nature Reserve.

EJBC: Cllr Owen and Cllr Pearson
Proposed: Cllr Craster
Seconded: Cllr Smith
Craster Community Trust: Cllr Craster
Proposed: Cllr Owen
Seconded: Cllr Smith
Arnold Nature Reserve: Cllr Brooks
Proposed: Cllr Gallon
Seconded: Cllr Craster
2035.    Review of Standing Orders
Cllr Owen reported that the Parish Council currently post the full agenda of meetings on the two notice boards. This happens on the Sunday prior to the meeting, along with the notice of the meeting. This is not a legal requirement and places an unnecessary strain on officers. He proposed that the standing orders are amended to indicate that the agenda is available on the internet, and then the yearly schedule of meetings can be posted once.


3.3.      Public notices will be posted in conspicuous places informing members of the public of the venue, time, date and business to be transacted at the meeting. The notice will be posted at least three clear working days before the meeting.


3.3.      Public notices will be posted in conspicuous places informing members of the public of the venue, time, and date of the meeting.  The business to be transacted will be published on the internet at least three clear working days before the meeting.

Resolution: a unanimous vote in favour of accepting Cllr Owen’s proposal
Proposed: Cllr Craster
Seconded: Cllr Smith

2036.    Risk analysis
Cllr Owen reported that the Parish Council is obliged to review how we ensure we do not run the risk of misusing public funds. He reported that the Parish Council has procedures for tendering; limits on spending; cheque book only transactions; the cheque book controlled by the Clerk who is not a signatory; and a requirement for two Councillors to sign each cheque after reviewing the validity of the reason. He concluded that the risk was minimized as far as possible, with no further action required. This was agreed unanimously.

2037.    Parish Council vacancy
Cllr Owen reported that the period in which a request can be made for an election to be held does not expire until Monday night. No request has been received so far and if none is received, Cllr Owen suggested the Clerk should then advertise the vacancy on Monday, giving two weeks for applicants to notify the Clerk that they are prepared to serve. This will give time for the co-option to be dealt with at the June meeting.
Resolution: unanimous vote to accept this course of action.
Proposed: Cllr Smith
Seconded: Cllr Gallon

2038.     Planning Matters
a.    Pre-app for 7 holiday chalets adjacent to Chapel Row.
Following a discussion at the Parish Meeting, agreement was reached that the Parish Council would not comment on this pre-application.
b.    16/01230/FUL 9 Whin Hill Craster NE66 3TP.
A submission was made as agreed by email between the Parish Councillors.

Cllr Owen reported that following the challenge to the planning review process, a change has been made to the procedure. Parish Councils will now be notified the application is to be dealt with by delegated powers before the final decision is made. Cllr Owen said this is more open and transparent and allows for additional inputs from Parish Councils if there is a belief the full information may not be available.

2039.     Circulation of planning applications for comment
A discussion was had about how planning applications are viewed and commented on by Councillors. A sample procedure from Newton on the Moor Parish Council was circulated before the meeting and used as a starting point. It was agreed that Cllr Gallon will make the amendments as discussed and bring a revised version of the procedure to the next meeting for approval.

In summary, the Clerk will circulate the planning application electronically and comments should be made by ‘replying to all’ by email. A hard copy will also be circulated and brought to the drop in session at the Memorial Hall on a Saturday morning. Seven days before the deadline, the Clerk will produce a consensus view from the comments received. If this is not clear, the Chair will assist.

2040.     Parish Meeting
Cllr Owen reported that the meeting was a success with 54 residents present. The Parish Council need to contact David English and a representative from a local coastal Parish Council (like Bamburgh) to take part on the next Parish Meeting – which will discuss Neighbourhood Plans. Dates will be circulated once speakers are confirmed, but it is expected to take place in July.

Cllr Pearson raised the issue of IT skills individuals needed to be part of the Parish Council. After some discussion, it was agreed that reassurance should be given to anyone that they would supported. However, it should also be recognised that there is a commitment at County and national level to move towards electronic communication.
2041. NALC Coastal Survey
Cllr Gallon had circulated his initial responses by email prior to the meeting. It was agreed that these should be submitted, but should include the contributions from Cllr Sutherland and Cllr Brooks.

2042.  Minute archive
Cllr Owen reported that the last minute book is in the Craster Community Trust safe and not under the control of the Parish Council. He suggested it is taken to Woodhorn to be properly archived. He also reported that there is a gap between the end of the minute book and the start of posting on the web. The Clerk is going to report back to the next meeting after looking through the paperwork held. It was unanimously agreed that this was a sensible course of action.

2043.    Local Transport Plan
Cllr Owen reported that the Local Transport Plan had been circulated with the agenda and it does indicate that work can proceed on our three objectives, but it does not say when.
Cllr Owen added that Richard McKenzie is the officer responsible it is his understanding that the Craster speed limits and traffic calming measures are being dealt with by Neil Snowdon and the Parking Task Force. Our second priority is the footpath down the tower bank. Once we have agreement from Howick estates, NCC can take the project over and the funding is available. It will be dealt with as one of the accident prevention measures. The third priority, the bottom of Smith Bank, can also be covered by the accident prevention measures. This includes the extension of the speed limit and the introduction of warning signs.

Cllr Owen said that the Parish Council need to plan for their next priorities, which he suggested can pick up the foot path along the Bogue Road and up Smithy Bank and Traffic Calming measures on Heugh Wynd.
2044.    Dunstan Road Works
Cllr Owen reported that the field at the west of the village is heavily waterlogged and it will take some time for the re-established drain to get the accumulated water away. However, all the drains are now running. Minor modifications are being made to the road to try to ensure that any water from the field does not flow down the road. There have also been some minor modifications to the road edging to prevent water flowing from the road into the bungalow gardens to the south of the road.

2045.    EJBC
Nothing to report.

2046.    Craster Community Trust
Cllr Craster reported that the CCT will charge the Parish Council £20 every time they use the Memorial Hall. This was unanimously agreed.
The screen and projector are still being investigated. Cllr Craster will provide an update at the next meeting.

2047.     AONB
Nothing to report.

2048.    Fixed asset maintenance.
Cllr Gallon will liaise with the contractor to establish the work that needs to be done – particularly with the litter bins. He will report back to the next meeting with some estimates of cost.

2049.    Tourist Amenities / Grant Funding
The signage was discussed. Cllr Owen reported that the Parish Council would be investigating the availability of LEADER funding to fund signs at the footpath entrances to the village and on the path from the quarry car park to the harbor. He will report back on pricing at the next meeting.
Cllr Craster suggested the Northumberland Wildlife Trust were included. Cllr Brooks will take this up and report back at the next meeting.
It was reported that the footpath through the Harbour Lights garden is becoming unsafe and the sign needs to be replaced. The Clerk will raise with NCC.

2050.    Car Parking
a.    Quarry Car Park
Cllr Owen reported that the survey is being carried out to determine how large an extension can be safely made. The report will be ready by the end of June. The funds are available.
b.    Residents’ parking
Cllr Craster spoke to the report he circulated in advance of the meeting. Cllr Sutherland also voiced the concerns he raised in the report he circulated in advance of the meeting. A wide-ranging discussion followed about the traffic management and parking issues within the village. Cllr Craster summarised the discussion by stating that the Parking Task Force noted Cllr Sutherland’s concerns about overcrowding and agreed that effective traffic management was the solution. However, he confirmed they would continue to look at ways of dealing with the displaced traffic, and anticipated the maximum capacity for around 200-250 across the two car parks. He concluded that incremental changes would have to be made to deal with the problems.

Cllr Smith thanked the Parking Task Force for their continued efforts.

Cllr Sutherland suggested that the National Trust meet with the Parish Council to discuss the parking problems and the role they can play in solving them. Cllr Craster is to take this up and report to the next meeting.

2051.    Transparency Fund
a.    Parish Council Website
Cllr Owen reported that we are waiting for a recommendation from NALC to see if it fits the requirements of the Parish Council
b.    Application for grant for Computer and Scanner
Some discussion of the application followed Cllr Sutherland’s admission that he was unable to complete the form. Cllr Gallon will complete the form and circulate it prior to submission.

2052.    Financial matters.
a.    Current Account Balance: £3938.72
b.    Spent & Received
c.    Clerk/HMRC wages & expenses: £233.19
d.    Cheques required: Clerk’s wages and expenses only.

The fixed term deposit has reached maturity. The current balance is £18309.17. After some discussion, it was agreed that £11,000 should be put back into a high interest account and the rest will be left available for the maintenance of the bins, the new signage and any other expenditure. Cllr Smith agreed to liaise with Lloyds bank to make the transfer.

Kevin Brown raised the issue of the Parish Council purchasing some new picnic tables for the area between the playpark and the football pitch. It was agreed in principle that this was a good idea and suggested a formal proposal was brought to the next meeting for formal deliberation.
2053.    Correspondence received.
a.    Historic England: Embleton War Memorial – Clerk to respond to explain it is not a Craster Parish Council asset, but hosted by Embleton.
b.    NCC: Parish Cemetary Double Charge Issue – noted.
c.    Highways England: A1 – noted.
d.    NCC: Love Northumberland Hate Litter Campaign – noted
2054.    Items for Next Agenda

2055.    Information Share
Earlier in the meeting, Cllr Brooks raised the issue of stones from the wall being placed in the side of the burn. Cllr Gallon is to take this up with Northumberland County Council and report back at the next meeting.

2056.    Date and Time of Next Meeting
Thursday 16th June 2016 at 7:15pm in the Craster Memorial Hall

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