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Craster Parish Council


Agendas & Minutes



Minutes of Craster Parish Meeting: Wednesday 20th April 2016

A Parish Meeting was help on Wednesday 20th April at 7pm in Craster Memorial Hall. The following notes summarise what was said.

The meeting was very well attended, with approximately 54 residents in attendance.

The meeting was opened by Parish Council Chairman Cllr Owen, who paid tribute to Cllr Joyce Shaw who recently passed away.

1.    The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as an accurate record.
Proposed: Marion Gallon
Seconded: Cllr Gallon

2.    County Councillor Kate Cairns sent a written report due to her absence, which was read out by the Clerk.  The full text of the report is appended to these minutes and can be read here.

3.    Cllr Owen delivered his annual Chairman’s report. The full text of the report is appended to these minutes and can be read here.

4: The issue of the Residents’ Parking scheme was discussed in some detail.
•    Cllr Craster reported that the Parking Task Force were not invited to attend the meeting County Hall, organised by County Cllr Kate Cairns. The results of the residents’ survey were therefore not taken into account during their discussions. He said that Craster residents could still fight to improve the parking problems in the village.
•    Henry Cummins thanked residents for participating in the survey and reported that different parts of the village had different opinions about the parking permit scheme.
•    150 homes: 70 residential; 21 second homes (total of 91 owned by people who pay council tax). 46 are holiday lets.
•    Henry reported on his findings, which are summarised below:
o    There is strong support for the improved enforcement of current parking restrictions.
o    There is strong support for reducing the speed limit in the village to 20 mph.
o    The Bogue Road is the top priority as parking makes the junction unsafe and causes problems for emergency service access.
o    There is strong support for extending the 28-day permission for the Turn Field.
o    The residents’ permit scheme was more welcome than not – but residents did not want to pay.
•    Resident question: Can the National Trust not to more to help with the parking problems in the village – perhaps allowing access to the Castle field, which they own. Cllr Craster confirmed he was in discussion with the National Trust and English Heritage, but would continue to push them to do more.
•    Cllr Craster emphasised it was best to push forward with the changes that can be more easily made to see if they make a difference, and then come back to the more difficult issue of the permit scheme.
•    Cllr Craster also made clear that something must be done to cope with increasing visitor numbers and the attitude that signage did not apply to them.
•    There was a strong feeling that Northumberland County Council should take the views of residents into consideration before coming to a conclusion about the permit scheme for the village.

5.    Cllr Owen explained that the reserves of the Parish Council must be allocated to specific projects. So far, money has been spent on the defibrillator and the skiff. He asked for suggested new projects for the Council to support.
•    Increasing the number of ‘poo bins’ around the village, especially near the memorial hall. Cllr Owen reported that the bins are currently multi-purpose bins.
Action: improve signage to make this clear.
•    Traffic calming on Heugh Wynd. Cllr Owen confirmed this was an issue for NCC, but the Parish Council were pushing for this to happen.
•    Contributing towards new equipment in the playground. Cllr Owen reported that the Parish Council is awaiting a proposal from the Community Trust.
•    Fencing around the sewage works. Cllr Owen confirmed this is happening, and has been organised by the Community Trust.
•    Pavements on Heugh Road and Heugh Wynd need urgent repair. Cllr Punton has supplied information to County Cllr Cairns about this issue.
Action: Clerk to remind Cllr Cairns and see what action NCC can take.
•    Increase the width of the coastal path. Cllr Owen confirmed there is central government funding for this project.
•    Install a proper dropped kerb on the corner of Dunstanburgh Road.
•    Map and information board for visitors. Cllr Owen confirmed this is an ongoing project.
•    A new projector and screen for the memorial hall. Cllr Owen report that the Parish Council is waiting for a formal proposal from the Community Trust.

6.    Cllr Owen explained that there is currently a planning pre-application for seven holiday chalets in the village, with access from Dunstanburgh Road. The response to this by the Parish Council would be dependent upon the views of residents. He then outlined why a Neighbourhood Plan could help to deal with the wider planning and development issues in Craster. The issue of the planning pre-application and the Neighbourhood Plan were discussed in some detail. A summary of the main points raised are outlined below:
•    More flexible regulations for holiday homes could cause continuing problems in the village, and should be considered by the Neighbourhood Plan.
•    It was agreed that access to this new development would be very dangerous.
•    It was decided that the Parish Council would only respond to a formal planning application, rather than the current pre-application.
•    Cllr Craster reported St Ives Town Council formulated a NP to ensure the planning system only approve applications for homes that will be occupied (not holiday lets). There was strong support for replicating this in Craster.
•    A question was raised about the practicalities of bin collection of the new development of holiday chalets. This will be included in the Parish Council response.
•    Questions were asked about how much the NP would be adhered to by NCC.
•    Parish Councillors stressed the need for the wider community to be involved in formulating a plan.
Action: a meeting will be held in the summer to provide more information about Neighbourhood Plans, so residents fully understand what is involved, and what the advantages and limitations are.

Cllr Owen thanked Mrs Owen and Mrs Gallon for serving the refreshments at the beginning of the meeting. He also thanked the residents for attending the meeting.

The meeting closed at 8.20pm.

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