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Report of Meeting held in November 2012

We felt very honoured at our annual meeting as we had not just one but two WIAs present. We were told that it was because one of them was learning the job but we preferred to think it was because we are so special.

When the normal business had been dealt with our excellent new treasurer presented our accounts. These are very healthy at the moment because we had such a successful fundraising day. The secretary than gave the annual report outlining the many activities we had been involved in over the year. As well as a diverse range of excellent speakers at our monthly meetings we have raised money for charity, taken part in the darts and dominoes competition, taken part in the Big Walk Little Splash and visited fellow WIs. We are very pleased that we have played our part in the NFWI campaign for a fair deal for Dairy Farmers by writing to Sainsbury’s, Morrison’s and Sir Alan Beith. We have received replies from all three outlining where they stand on the issue. We feel that this is an example of the WI in action.

The theme of our president’s address was continuity and change. She emphasised the fact that these were not mutually exclusive but any successful organisation thrives when they are intertwined. She told a story [the one about the old lady and the girl on the checkout] to illustrate that continuity does not mean that things have to stay the same. Alison Strong continued the theme using examples taken from the WI. . We were intrigued to learn that early WIAs had to wear a uniform. She entertained us with tales of the WI in action and how even though we come from many backgrounds as a breed we do have a lot in common! We are a diverse collection of women uniting to get things done. We were delighted that Alison Strong managed to persuade Muriel Silk to join our committee. We are sure that she will be a much valued member. Wendy Slater followed this entertaining talk by outlining the many opportunities that the WI Federation have on offer in the near future. We are particularly excited about the WI pantomime and Christmas at the Abbey.

We then tucked into our pie and pea supper which was greatly enjoyed by all.

Our new voting system resulted in Shirley Tucker winning the monthly competition.  

Meeting Reports

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